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TITLE BELOW: Jesus Broke Out the Lambchop Puppet to Try and Cheer up Paul McCartney

jesus lambchop paul mc cartney 1 med.jpg

click image to read about it- in KATA's eBay Gallery

below: kata (in character) talks about the painting above

TITLE BELOW: Complex Elvis

ELVis Beatles  red pill cropped w type S

John Paused on the Runway to Tell the Guru He Now Understood That He Was The Mother of the Rare Indian Bear He Adopted

1 a a John and Guru with koala bear.jpg

John Knew Too Much So They Killed Him

John and Pixie 1984 paisley orange w tit

Revolution Against the Great Reset 

Bedin square main MED.jpg

Elvis Had a Barbie Nightmare- He Dreamt She Got Fat, Mad and Frumpy

+ elvis barbie nightmare.jpg

TITLE BELOW: Ode to Bob Dylan's song Like a Rolling Stone

+ DYLAN LIKE A ROLLING STONE 8.5x11 w bob's hand written lyrics.jpg

One of seven illustrations for the Paris FR. Magazine; ROCK&FOLK

beatles tea rock and folk.jpg

TITLE BELOW: A  Stranger  Showed  Up  at   the  Beatles  Pool  Party

1 a a Beatles beach.jpg
+ 4 KEYS w border for 8x10 has good BORDER.jpg
+ 11x8.5 dylan big biz fauci.jpg
+ Elvis Beatnik 8x10.jpg
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